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A Summary Of The Sorcerer Class

The Sorcerer: A Powerful Spellcaster in Baldur's Gate 2

A Summary of the Sorcerer Class

The Sorcerer is a dedicated spellcaster class in Baldur's Gate 2. It is widely regarded as one of the most powerful spellcasting classes in the game.

Building a Strong Sorcerer

Spell Choice:

To build a strong Sorcerer, it is crucial to choose the right spells. Optimal spell choices include Magic Missile, Spook, Chromatic Orb, Find Familiar, and Protection from Evil.


The best magic items for a Sorcerer include the Vest of Vecna and the Staff of the Magi. These items significantly enhance a Sorcerer's spellcasting abilities.

Advantages of the Sorcerer Class

The Sorcerer has several advantages over other spellcasting classes:

  • High spellcasting power
  • Ability to cast a wide range of spells
  • Excellent solo playthrough potential

With its impressive spellcasting abilities and versatility, the Sorcerer is an excellent choice for players seeking a powerful spellcaster in Baldur's Gate 2.
